Sept 30: Vestibular Asana for fighting Cyber Fatigue & Building Trust (70 min)
1h 8m
This practice encourages closing your eyes for the development of the eyes/ears/brain connection in balance. Especially if you are someone who gets car sick easily - you might also suffer from cyber fatigue. Many people have this as screen time has increased with covid. Not good! Strange side effects are worsening vision, nausea, mild imbalances like you're standing on a dock vibes when you look up from your screen, headaches, insomnia and anxiety with comparison culture.
We work through core, standing poses some twists, eyeball movements - to ground you in a place that may feel uncomfortable with eyes your closed.
If you over-rely on your eyes for balance (a characteristic of motion sickness built bodies) this will help you as well. It will feel uncomfortable but create trust. Wobbling is normal. Find homeostasis and trust the wobble!
Lymphatic Asana Flush (Sept 2)
This is an asana practice with a brief lesson on the basics of the lymphatic system, what it does and asana with emphasis on the three main "highways" of lymphatic vessels: a) the axillary nodes b) inguinal nodes and c) cervical nodes
Balance + Half-Moon-Hotel-Flow (Sept 1)
Several half moons and one legged balancing poses with heat, sweat and cleanse.
Jan 13: Twists/ Enteric Nervous System
Today begins with a 4-min review/visual aid of a previous class on what the limbic system looks like - as well as a quick definition of this class into the nervous system aka. your "gut brain." Expect sweat, cleansing into the GI tract and spine and a ton of twists!