Oct 5 Fire Breath Bouts
This is a variation of..."Heart and Soul Kriya". It's mainly fire/kaphalabhati breath in different positions. The jury's out if it actually helps to open the heart and soul! But it is definitely cleansing to the respiratory system and helpful to wake up first thing in the morning. This is my first time teaching it - so let me know if it was potent or not for you ;) x
Oct 2: Full Moon Balancing Breath int...
We begin with a sun-piercing breath, two sets of kaphalabhati, then a set of chandra (moon) piercing breath and a meditation. I find this breath set is excellent preparation for a full moon meditation.
Sept 30: Sudarshan Kriya for Anxiety ...
The Sudarshan Kriya is one that I first learned in James Nestors' book "Breath" I find it is grounding, as it brings awareness to the different lobes of the lungs. It may be a good kriya for those who find too much of head spin or have a hard time grounding with kaphalabhati or kundalini practice...
Sept 28: Self-Healing Breath Set: Foc...
I've had a concussion before and symptoms sometimes pop up and create stress in the body and soul as a result. I feel for you if this is the case. We begin with ujjayi breath with a focus on one hand on the belly, one hand on the head to make a cranial-belly connection, to clear the energy "grid"...