These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
Feb 13: Int/Advanced Breathwork (32 min)
Today's practice is an intermediate/advanced in intensity. Today we do three classical sets of kaphalabhati, one set of bellows, one set of Wim Hof style breath and ending with a slow-stabilizing traditional prep practice "Brahma Mudra"
Feb 11: Breathwork for Insecurity (30 min)
This Is a practice with the invitation of working with your insecurities - and recognizing it's a part of the human experience. We do Spinal Flex set which is most spinal movement bellows or deep breathing and ending with breath of fire.
Feb 10: Sat Nam, Hips & Kaphalabhati (Breathwork 30 min)
Sorry for the yawn as intro (haha). Today's practice is a to-the-point intermediate breath practice includes hip openers, breath of fire x 3 long sets and ending with sun and moon piercing breath.
Feb 7: Intero vs Exteroception for ADHD, Anxiety (Advanced Breathwork (30 min)
Five min lesson relevant to neuroscience (and why you may have ADHD, anxiety and other ticks) followed by an advanced breathwork. This practice is not suitable for beginners.
Feb 4: A Breath Practice for Fear & Global Anxiety (33 min)
We do a breath practice for times when you're feeling fearful, anxious and riddled with anxiety (i.e about global events and uncertainty) and you feel like you're making life choices from your "fear body." This is for you! When we return back to our body's inner resources, we remember that we beh...
Feb 3: Intermediate Breath Practice (30 min)
We breathe to move neural and "non-neural tissue" and signals the body to settle into "rest and digest" - we do a ton of breath of fire, bellows and breath holds.
Jan 31: Advanced High Octane Breathwork (30 min)
This is not beginners! This is an advanced breathwork practice that builds in intensity, will leave you feeling elevated due to the increase of oxygen and neuromodulators like dopamine and serotonin in your brain-body. We build from the physiological sigh, through variants of Wim Hof and end with...
Jan 30: Inner Gold Breathwork (32 min)
The invitation is a story that represents your own inner gold and how suffering = us forgetting this. We do several cycles of breath integrating hips and end with sitali "cooling breath" This is a moderate/intermediate breath practice.
Jan 29: Spinal Flex Advanced Breath (30 min)
Today we do an advanced practice - that infuses moving your spine in all directions with activating bellows breath.
Jan 28: Dopamine & Resilience Breathwork (31 min)
A 5 min intro/ invitation to make space for the "voice inside of your head" from where you cast your net of intention for the day ahead. We then do breathwork that is designed to increase mental resilience, release tension as well as up-regulating brain neurotransmitters that will hopefully leave...
Jan 27: Deep Winter Breath Practice (31 min)
This is a moderate breathwork practice with classical breath of fire and bellows and the invitation is to let tension dissolve from overthinking things. Ice to water - that melt off you during this breath practice.
Jan 24: Lymphatic Flush Advanced Breath (30 min)
This is an advanced breathwork practice with focus on the lymphatic system - a brief education on what that is - and a practice to support it!
Jan 23: Asking for a Sign (30 min) Breathwork
The invitation is to use your breathwork practice a) with a question or lack of clarity and b) asking for a sign from the universe c|) the neurobiology of surrender - and we do the practice itself. It is up-regulating and innervating.
Jan 22: Advanced Breathwork: Compassion vs Empathy (30 min)
For self-declared "empaths" - why this might be blocking you... vs the practice of compassion and loving kindness. A meta practice is integrated into our breathwork today.
Jan 21: Blue to Bright! Good Mood Breath (30 min)
This is an up regulating, uplifting breath set for clarity and brightness.
Jan 20: The Biology of Negative Thoughts + Breathwork
A soft education on the neuroscience of how negative thoughts are automatic and positive thoughts are NOT automatic - and the PFC and Limbic System. Why is it positive thinking is harder at times than negative? We then do a moderate breath practices into the hips and legs with this teaching in mi...
Jan 17: Manifestation Advanced Breath + Wim Hof (32 min)
Today I invite "if you bring forth what is within you, it will save you" and we drop into an advanced practice integrating "the broaden and build theory" via breath with kaphalabhati breath + four rounds of WimHof variation of building intensity.
Jan 16: The Neuroscience of Vitality Breathwork (28 min)
The invitation for intention is: Where in your life ARE you thriving? And a brief explanation of integrating neurostimulation to support your intentions. We do hips with breath of fire as well as dynamic, uplifting bellows and spinal flexing.
Jan 15: Adrenaline, Endorphins & Serotonin: Advanced Breath (32 min)
Today we work with your breath to stimulate adrenaline in a positive way via longer repetitions of breath of fire, and a variation of Wim Hof breath as well as longer breath holds. The hope is that you feel increased energy, awareness and endorphins.
Jan 14: Full Moon Breathwork (32 min)
Inquiry, why is it so easy for us to negate to negativity rather than positive affirmation? We then drop into a robust and common kiriya that I often teach in the studio.
Jan 13: Breathwork for Your Inner Critic (31 min)
The theme is breathwork for inner love and positivity - I invite you to bring that which ails you into today's practice - any shutting down, your inner critic and so on... We use a mixed breath practice today to massage it out of you: physiological sigh, breath of fire and alternate nostril breat...
Jan 10: Advanced Breathwork for Clarity + WimHof (33 min)
We begin with "Kriya for Clarity" which is helpful if you're in your head too much, integrating somatic/body movements that help express clutter of the mind + breath of fire. We then end with three rounds of a variation of WimHof style breath with 30 second breath holds. The outcome ideally is se...
Jan 9: Intermediate Kundalini (30 min)
This is an activating / upregulating breathwork practice with kaphalabhati, bellows breath coupled with intentionality.
Jan 8: Breathwork for Uncertainty (30 min)
If you're feeling uncertain about how the new year is beginning OR you feel uneasy or uncertain about a thing in your life... I speak to this before we do a down-regulating, chilled out breath practice. We do a 3 min bout of breath of fire - but the rest is long, ujjayi breath and 4-7-8