Feb 25: Thyroid Health Kriya
This is an intense kriya for the neck and thyroid gland in particular. There are studies that show a direct impact of pranayama and asana on regulating the thyroid gland, responsible for many things in our body like metabolism and overall health. See your homeopath or doctor about getting a blood test if you have symptoms of hyper or hypothyroidism (ask for a full panel of bloodwork, not just the general public one - two or three tests). If you notice a change in diet (either super high metabolism) unexplained weight loss or weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, irritability, anxiety, depression. Of course these can account for many things - but the thyroid is something to get checked. Female body's are prone to hypothyroidism.
In good health!
Feb 24: Sudarshan Kriya
This is a kriya I teach often. It is slow, building and calming. It requires patience and not much movement other than breath counts. Ujjayi and bhastrika breath are both used.
Feb 22: Pranayama: The Practice of Ah...
Ahimsa (Non-violence, inner kindness) & Isvara Pranidhana (surrender, letting go of the outcome after effort) are the first and last of yamas and niyamas stated in The Yoga Sutras. I speak to them as to how pranayama exercises both...
Feb 19: Part One: Prep for Meditation...
This is my fave breath to prepare for meditation (which we do in part one).