(A Weird) Kundalini Sequence for Abundance, Money & Creativity (60 min)
This is an unusual sequence that is filled with repetitions of 26 x : cobras, planks, cat cow's, bridge pulses as well as core work - followed by my own sequence for the neck and spine. It is moderate in intensity - and an unorthodox yoga sequence.
Slow & Centred Standing Practice (60 min)
Today's practice includes slower, longer holds moderate intensity into the hips, hamstrings and spine. Al of the practice is composed of standing poses. Enjoy.
Endurance Holds + Dynamic Flush (60 min)
This sequence begins with a quick warm up flow followed by longer endurance holds in Warrior 2, Triangle, one-legged balancing poses, side plank, crow.
"Threes" Moderate Flow + Mood Balancing (60 min)
This is a flow practice where "good things come in threes" is more applicable! It is rhythmic, simple and flowy. The idea is with rhythm there is stability in the mind.
Kundalini Asana for the Pituitary Gland (60 min)
This is an unusual sequence that is very breath-centric, restorative and deeply healing for the pituitary gland. Five min intro + practice. Enjoy!
Balance Poses - Moderate Intensity (60 min)
Today's practice is moderate intensity. Grab a block if you have one. Basic heating flow + tree pose on a block, dancer, side plank, square hip pose, bow, wheel option, final meditation... Enjoy!
Endocrine & Chakra Restorative (60 min)
Today's practice is simple, quiet and restorative in nature with brief cueing in and around the endocrine organs and energy anatomy.
Spring Series 2022: Detox & Lymph Cleanse (60 min)
Grab a block or pillow. We do sun A's with a block. Expect a slow burn of a practice with lymphatic cueing as we sweat and open the spine in a friendly way.
Spring Series: Balance thy Biomarkers (60 min)
Today begins with a brief overview of anti-inflammation and immune system chat about what yoga helps balance.
Spring Series 2022: Lymph Flush Asana (60 min)
We begin with a long forward fold and then drop into an unusual but cleansing practice that is informed with lymphatic system cueing. It is refreshing, invigorating and cleansing. Enjoy!
Spring Series 2022: Happy Hormones Thyroid Informed Flow
This practice includes the neck lock and opening the throat within a stable flow with cueing around the thyroid.
Longer Holds. Rooted Energy. Grounding. Going Inside. Lum. (55 min)
This is a grounding practice. Think long holds. Grounding. Quiet. Not fancy. Quiet. Longer holds. Go in.
Ground, Pelvis + Flow (55 min) + Shoulder-stand Ending
We begin on the ground, quick low back release, core work, bridge work, then we stand up and flow. Then back to the ground to pigeon, camel, cobra variations, bow, plow pose and shoulderstand.
The Amygdala, Calming + Breath Practice + Asana Energetic Cueing (90 min)
This a connected practice breath + asana class - with an informative share on findings of the amygdala - a breath practice using "Sa, Ta, Na, Ma" and an energetically cued practice with focus on the thyroid and adrenals. It is infomative, relaxing for a wired system, decompressing for stress....e...
Catharsis Flow + Release + Functional Movement (60 min)
We begin with core work, bridge & gluteal reps, hip opener flow, deep twists and breath work interspersed. Release and build strength.
Lymphatic Informed Practice + Full Uddiyana (60 min)
A brief chat on what uddiyana does, why it's important as well as the lymphatic system. We do uddiyana several times and work in cueing with the lymphatic system.
Catharsis means a release, to let go, to energetically command old sludge off your heart and body into good energy. This is a dynamic intermediate asana practice that includes a slower start warm-up, side plank, half moon, triangle, dynamic KP breath throughout as an option, lions breaths, twists...
Grounding + Earth Pranayama (Dec 15)
Grounding pranayama. Enjoy!
FIVE ELEMENTS: WIND: Flow + Heat + Twists + Breath (Dec 2)
This practice integrates the wind element with flowy, unusual sequencing. It is sweaty, challenging and at parts, gets the heart pumping.
FIVE ELEMENTS SERIES: EARTH: Grounding + Slow + Meditative (Dec 1)
The five elements series: Today is an earth practice. It is SLOW, challenging and grounding for your nervous system. Expect a metronome type counting - and long meditative holds. Long holds in warriors, twists and core work.
Lymphatic Kundalini Kriya (Nov 11)
A breath practice specific to the lymph system - central to good health.
Glandular & Hormonal Flow (Oct 27)
Glandular & Hormonal Flow.
Healthy Stress + Dynamic Breath + Hormone Flow
Neuroendocrine flow - using breath, dynamic cathartic movements, sweat into particular endocrine structures.
Flow + Blood Flow + Lymphatic Flow (Oct 7)
A flowy, breath-led practice for the full body. Expect less holding, more postures and repetitive movements to encourage full body circulation. Big reaching movements. We end with some deeper hip holds and back bends.