  • Simple Hatha (Static Pose Only)

    This is a series of mainly standing static postures.


    It's hot as heck if you're watching this LIVE time. We take advantage of the heat today on the West Coast and do hot yoga at home...The following is a static Hatha yoga practice with a similar sequence to a hot yoga practice (Hot yoga, no flow, basic standing series + back strengthening). Enjoy!

  • May 18: PATIENCE & LONG HOLDS - An Advanced Practice

    Today's practice isn't technical - but it's tough. A doozy. Long holds up to 15 breaths in very simple poses. I allow for space and quiet to see what arises.

  • March 15: Two & Twenties Spring Cleanse: Hatha/Kundalini/Power

    Today we make simple, sweaty. We just lost an hour of sleep due to the spring time change. Repetition is good for foggy head spaces, feeling rhythm when you feel the opposite, and gives a sense of control again. We build heat quickly doing repetitive movements either for two minutes or sets of tw...

  • Feb 15: The Slow, Hard, Lovely...Scenic Route

    This is a slow route of a class is designed to dissolve general life rushing, bumps and annoyances ;) A bump in the road is much better when done slowly...

  • Feb 2: Go In: A Quiet & Simple Meditative Asana

    This is the compliment to today's meditation on cooling off the senses and going-in. Expect very little instruction, quiet, simplicity (nothing gruelling). I encourage closing your eyes throughout as you develop a kind relationship with your breath and the most important part: your connection to ...

  • Jan 19: Tapas Breath Set

    This matches today's asana practice. It isn't a difficult breath set - but it is intentionally prickly, heating - even a bit disagreeable - to encourage heat to the surface. The usual shining skull breath + a long set of Surya Bhedana and Nadi Shodana.

  • Jan 11: Slow, Hard and Simple

    There is nothing fancy here but oooh it feels good. Sloooowww. Making simple advanced is my specialty. Expect: Warrior One, Two, Triangle, Side Angle Pose, a twist, side plank, and a few back bends, core + forward fold. Literally 10 or so poses over the length of an hour. This is good for patien...

  • Dec 1: Supercharging the Nadis Flow

    A brief lesson on the nadis and what they are (I'd recommend the pranayama course that couples with this) and a flowy practice with the mapping of the main three energy channels: ida, pingala and sushumna nadis.

  • Nov 5: Strong Hatha (Beginner/Int)

    This is a slower moving practice beginning on the ground into the hips and pelvis. There is very little flow, It parallels more of a hatha practice than vinyasa.

  • Nov 12: Very Slow Flow + Minimal Cueing

    Today's practice is very quiet and very slow. It's still a bit of burn as we do only a handful of poses in a slow motion manner. Long holds. Minimal talking. This is not for raw beginners. Enjoy! x

  • Nov 3: Int/Adv Practice: Binds, Balancing & Breaking Plateaus

    You will need a strap for this practice. This is a 70 min physical practice for intermediate/advanced students focusing on major binding poses and holding them longer. The challenge is, can you stay near your edge and breathe calmly? This is where the sweet stuff lives.

    One legged extended leg,...

  • Nov 2: The Vayus: Emotion vs Pragmatism

    This is a 60 min asana practice focusing on how the principal of the Vayus - the internal "winds" that govern all health in the body via the teachings of ancient yoga. In this practice we work with five main vayus: prana vayu (inspiration and the inhale) apana vayu (expiration and the exhale) sam...

  • Sept 18: SLOW FLOW + Backbends (Asana Only 60 min) Fave practice of the week!

    This practice is excellent for grounding otherwise frenetic energy. We do only a handful of postures in this hour practice - but build heat in a unique way without speed. The focus is on perseverance and breath. Sweat and "tapas" helps to release positive hormones into our bloodstream as a result...

  • Sept 14: Respiratory & Lungs Focus & Kaphalabhati (Asana-Only 60 min)

    This class is in response to the West Coast forest fires. Our air is dense and polluted than normal. Although we can't change the particles outside we can temporarily exercise indoors, purify the air in our homes and do our best to use yoga as a way to facilitate the movement of excess mucus. Th...

  • Sept 14: Lungs & Respiratory Cleansing Practice (30 min Breath + 60 min Asana)

    The first 30 minutes is gentle breath (digital pranayama). The following 60min is a unique practice in that it incorporates the usual shapes with bouts of 20 pumps of kaphalabhati breath throughout. In response to the forest fire air pollution, it is designed to move (sounds gross) mucus and enco...

  • Slow Flow + Seated Poses + Meditation

    A heads up this video glitches here and there at the start but smooths out! I love to build heat molasses slow with longer holds then take time to meditate - we do exactly that. It's slow and sweaty - then meditative. We hold poses like Warrior Two, Triangle, prasaritas, horse stance, twists. Whe...

  • Fifth Chakra: Thyroid & Neck Focus

    The thyroid and neck represents the throat's energy centre or fifth "chakra". Indicators of blockages in this area are tension in the face/throat/jaw, the energy of excessive talking or needing to speak your truth, teeth grinding, sore throat and thyroid issues. This class works all of this into ...

  • Molasses Flow to Remove Doubt

    Doubt has a sneaky way of getting into our bones and beliefs. Tapas, the building of heat helps burn off the fog of doubt. This practice takes classic standing poses and marinates in them for the first 40 minutes. Class begins with a very-slow sun salutations series and this pace continues the en...

  • Moving Excessive Tamas: Depression, Sadness & Overwhelm

    Tamasic energy (heaviness) and working WITH it rather than against it - is key. A messy version of you is perfectly welcome here! This class was filmed in the thick of all the global chaos and I was noticing a lot of my friends and students were feeling overwhelmed and depressed. I hope this help...

  • Integrating the Koshas into Real Life

    A final talk on how you might integrate the five layers into your life. It's one thing to practice on the mat - but a very different thing to practice in "real life." This is where ancient practices are often lost as it's often difficult to bring them into day-to-day life.

  • Moving Rajas with Breath + Full Spectrum Asana

  • Kundalini + A Je Ne Sais Quoi? Surprise Practice