These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
Kriya for Beauty & Focus (30 min)
This is an interesting breath set + for focus and energy. It is said to invoke internal and external beauty.
For Uncertainty, Freeze & Overwhelm: Breath Practice for Clarity (30 min)
This is the kriya for clarity. And is excellent if you are stuck in limbo. It may help you feel clear about making small decisions toward a bigger outcome.
50 min Fear Releasing Pranayama (Advanced)
This practice is for seasoned breathwork practitioners. This is not suitable for beginners, pregnancy or any conditions that may require space and rest. It is the Kriya for Releasing Fear breath set. Enjoy!
Gentle New Moon Pranayama (30 min)
Today's breath practice works with the sun and moon channels + cleansing kp breath and ends with Sa-Ta-Na-Ma into meditation. It encourages us to move slowly.
Kundalini for the Lungs & Magnetic Field (30 min breathwork)
This practice integrates movement in a seated position with ujjayi and bellows breath. It is said to increase circulation, preparedness for meditation as well as the upper magnetic field of your energy.
Advanced Surya Kriya for Brightness (30 min)
This kriya is summery and bright! It is for seasoned pranayama practitioners in length and reps.
Spinal Waves Pranayama (30 min)
Today's practice begins with slow spinal waves, into faster uplifting bellows breaths/twists - all in a seated position.
Kriya for the Lymphatic System - Release Mind Negativity (30 min)
A welcome back practice that is cleansing, awakening, uplifting and targeting the major lymphatic hubs in your body - for immunity and waking up.
Sri Lanka Sessions: All the Basics Breathwork (25 min)
A practice that is quick and to the point with all the breath types, a bit of movement designed to optimize your energy.
Sri Lanka Sessions: Pranayama Practice (35 min) from the 30hr Training
I thought it would be fun to upload a 35 min clip from my 30hr Pranayama training. The clip is a practice that I taught to students "as one that I would upload to my digital studio or teach in person." Voila! This is for you. Enjoy!
Breath Set for Money Stress, Abundance & Freak Out (30 min)
The title says it as it is...taxes, mortgage, schooling... we still need to begin at the body when it comes to even finances.... I hope this helps!
Sri Lanka Sessions: Shortened Pranayama Practice (16 min)
This is a shortened version of our usual 30 min sessions. Enjoy!
Sri Lanka Sessions: Sudarshan Kriya (30 min)
This breath set works with deep ujjayi breath in 8 counts, box breathing and bellows breath - enjoy! It is excellent for stress, is said to be helpful for those suffering with PTSD, anxiety and other vitiating turbulences of the mind...
Sri Lanka Sessions: Basic Breath Set (30 min)
This is a basic breath set with all the usuals...
Sri Lanka Sessions: For Vata/Pitta Types (30 min)
This practice is derived from what my teacher taught me. Vata and Pitta personality types are explained. If you are fiery or your head is in the clouds, these "doshas" explain why. This isn't anything new for regular members - but is three sets KP breath, two sets bellows breath and nadi shodana.
Dump Excess Cortisol Breathwork + Hip-work & Spine (30 min)
Expect hip openers and twists married with shining skull breath and bellows breath.
Surya Kriya (Breathwork 30 min)
This breath practice is designed for awakening inner sun, moving colds, flus and dullness.
Breathwork for the Neck, Throat, Vagus Nerve & Communication (30 min)
This set is excellent for communication, jaw, neck, and upper back tension. We also use sound to create a soothing effect for the vagus nerve.
Annamaya Kosha: Love Your Body- Spinal Series Breath Set (30 min)
We do a Kundalini breath kriya that moves the spine in all its ways. The annamaya kosha is referring to your body (food) layer. I speak to this briefly.
Hips, Detox & Ground Breath Set (30 min)
Today's practice includes the hips, arches of the feet and balancing the body and mind.
Intensifying the Frequency of Your Heart (30 min) Breathwork
This is a practice for opening and tending to the energy of your heart and listening to it!
Three Breath Types to Clear the Mind (30 min)
Yogascittavrittinirodaha (Yoga reduces fluctuations in the mind). What is behind the vritti (the thought waves?)
Self Doubt & Mental Attitude Breath Set (30 min)
(Derived from the Kundalini breath set: Breath Cleansing. This short series balances both your blood chemistry and your mental attitude.
Full Moon Breath for Healing & Homeostasis (30 min)
I speak on the symbolism of Chiron the healer who could not heal himself.....