These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
Anti-Stress & Low Dopamine Breath Set (30 min)
We begin with a slow deep set of viloma (3 parts breathing) + 4-7-8 breath + Kaphalabhati x punching fists breath + lions breath + bellows breath with leg pumps. Enjoy!
Sudarshan Kriya for PTSD & Stress (30 min)
This kriya has been under research in its helpful impact on helping those with PTSD, anxiety and stress.
Quiet Start - Strong Finish (Breathwork 30 min)
I share a quote from a neuroscientist on breath-work. We begin with box breath, then 4-7-8 breath, into kaphalbhati breath, leg flush with bellows breath and breath holds.
Surya Kriya for Colds/Flus & Uplifting Energy (30 min)
This is helpful for generating heat and burning off colds flus viruses and bad moods! Excellent for pre-meditation.
All the Goods! Standard Breath Set + Hips (35 min)
Today we do a standard breath set like what I'd teach in a public class + hips + bellows breath + honey bee breath.
Inner Conflict Breath Set (30 min)
This begins with a deep connected breath. Followed by Sat Nam x 2 (Truth breath set) neck releases, spinal twists and bellows breath.
Anti-Disease Breath (30 min)
This practice integrates pieces of the Kriya for Disease Resistance and my own practices for moving stagnation out of the internal organs.
Evolution/Elevation Rx Breathwork (35 min)
This is an action packed breath work practice! Elevation practice.
Newcomers Please Watch: 4 Breath Types (30 min)
We review the four basics: ujjayi, kaphalabhati (shining skull), bhastrika (bellows) and alternate nostril breath (nadi shodana) + breath holds.
NYE Edition Breathwork: Relax Fear = New Year
This is a 40 min edition committed to moving energy, setting intention for the new year ahead, self-forgiveness, do your best-ness. We do parts of the Kundalini Kriya to Release Fear, this is an advanced pranayama set. Newcomers please watch the beginner's tutorial first within the library.
For Newcomers + Getting Clear on What you Want Breathwork (30 min)
A quick hello to newcomers - get weird to get normal. We do "Clarity Kriya" What do want to get clear on? Do this kriya to seal it in.
Get Weird Basic Spinal Series (30 min)
This is one of my new faves! It's uplifting, energizing and of course, weird :)
This is for my mom. Or for your mom, dad, friend ! Someone who has never done pranayama before but you'd love to get them involved, knowing how good it feels. The three basic breaths in this video are:
- Ujjayi (Victorious Breath)
- Kaphalabhati (Shining Skull Breath)
- Nadi Shodana (Alternate ... -
Holiday 108 x Breathwork Set (30 min)
This is an advanced pranayama set for shaking off holiday heaviness, boozin'/drinking, too much DNA all in one room, stressors etc. Happy holidays!
Mellow to Intense Breathwork (30 min)
This breath set begins mellow with 4-7-8, breath of fire with hips, bellows breath, and quiet in between.
Winter Solstice Warm-Up Advanced Breath (30 min)
This is not for beginners to breathwork - expect to stand up: leg flush with bellows breath, tons of breath of fire, surya (sun) breath, boat pose (core work) with breath.
Stoke Hips & Fire Breath (30 min)
We do firelog pose with fire breath + ujjayi + lions breath.
4 Prep Practices + Holiday De-Stress Breath Set (30 min)
This begins with a tongue lock, lions breath, agni sara (stirring the belly!) and Bhrama mudra (slow breaths) + bellows breath, a leg flush, cobra with KP breath, a twist.
Friday Sunshine Breath (30 min)
Today we get right to it! This is Surya Kriya, sun breath, helpful for immunity, ends of colds/flus/irritations of the mind.
Winter Warming Breath (30 min)
Warm your insides with hip openers/fire breath/dark & light theme.
From the Archives: Breath for Headaches, Hangovers & Holidays (30 min)
This is a gentle set for headaches, aggravation/neck tension, bad moods, dehydration/headaches and hangovers, stress hangovers - it is gentle breath for soothing the nervous system: viloma breath, honey bee breath, gentle neck circles, 4-7-8 anti anxiety breath, cooling sitali breath.
Note on Addiction & Pranayama (30 min)
A quote from Andrew Huberman and reminder of how pranayama can be an effective tool to gift your addiction program. All yoga provides a natural high, rather than a substance.
Breathing through Opposites (30 min)
We work with the right and left sides solely. Then end with alternate nostril breath. Breath of fire is in between each side.
Instant Lift (Elevation Kriya) 30 min
This is an advanced breath kriya. This breath set has many moving parts for the spine, elevation, a mood lift, anti-cobwebs: Breath of fire, bellows breath is the focus throughout. Enjoy!