These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
For Colds & Suppressed Immunity: Surya Kriya (36 min breathwork)
This is surya kris, a studio staple! This kriya is said to be helpful for end of colds, flus or immunity/bad moods. It is invigorating and uplifting.
Strong & Stable Breathwork (30 min)
This sequence begins on your feet in horse-stance with fists and punching breath, followed by ego eradicator breath-set, ending with quieting 3-parts breathing (viloma)
De-Funk Breathwork: Wim Hof, Ego Eradicator + Sat Nam (30 min)
This is a bit of an advanced, high vibes breath set with long breath 30 second breath holds. If you are a beginner, please do the beginnner's tutorial set.
Winter Solstice Breath (33 min)
Happy Solstice Breath Set
Tis the Season to be Triggered! (like the word Trigger!) 30 min
30 min Breathwork (spinal series - with breath) Tons of spinal movement to create energy and space!
Mercury Retrograde & Ego Eradicator Breath (30 min)
We do two long sets of ego eradicator + long set bellows breath.
Hot Mess Holiday Breath (30 min)
Hot mess? Perfect. Lets breathe together :)
Quiet, Calm, Deep (Breathwork 30 min)
This breathwork is only two sets of KP breath with bigger intervals of long, slow deep breathing. It is great for beginners and if you are craving quiet deep breathing.
Your Sophisticated Nervous System & Heart Clearing Breath (30 min)
This is the spinal energy series + Toomey "heart clearing" breath moving energetic gunk out of the way!
Embodiment Practice (+ Wim Hof & Ego Eradicator Breath 30 min)
Get out of your head and into your body
Kaphalabhati Sets for Neck Tension (30 min breathwork)
Today begins slowly into deep diaphragmatic breathing + shining skull breath into all parts of the neck + some breath holds that are advanced. Beginners please take care!
Prep Breath + Wim Hof (Tummo) Breath (30 min)
We begin with four prep practices (that are weird but feel great!) + and end with 3 rounds of Wim Hof aka Tummo Breathing - this is semi-advanced, please take care.
Advanced Breath Practice (30 min)
This is a practice that includes a long breath hold that is not appropriate for raw beginners.
Collaborate: Surya Kriya w/ Advanced Breath Holds (30 min)
This is our old-faithful of the studio - my favourite Surya (Sun) Breathwork + 30 second breath holds at the top and bottom. I also speak to collaboration as the theme.
Opening Channels & Advanced Breath Holds (30 min)
This is a breath set + 3 sets of an advanced technique. If you are new, please do the beginner's tutorial first for up to 6 months of breath experience.
Breathwork for Disease Resistance + Advanced Set (30 min)
This is a set for practitioners who have been doing breathwork for 6months + with confidence. Please take care as the end practice ends with a long set of reed-breathing.
Elevate Radiance Breathwork (35 min)
This is an extended version of the Elevation Kriya, It is high vibreational breath, spinal movement and full of energy.
Advanced Breathwork + Guided Visualization (30 min)
This breath set is for advanced practitioners of breath only. If you are pregnant, prone to dizziness, have head injury etc please avoid. This is an activating and awakening type of breath.
Sudarshan Kriya (30 min) Breathwork
This is a breath set that is extremely helpful and has been in research for PTSD, stress, anxiety and big life movements.
Lymphatic Breathwork (30 min)
This is a blend of the lymphatic kriya and my own sequence with awareness of the lymphatic nodes = immunity.
Self-Healing Meditation (Breathwork 30 min)
Today we use 8 stroke breath with Sa-ta-na-ma mantra - focus, concentration, intuition and beauty - it is also valuable for healing yourself: an injury, mental turbulence etc,
Ego Eradicator + Mixed Breathwork (30 min)
Today's practice begins with Ego Eradicator Breath + some of my favourites.
Grounding: Iyengar Breathwork (30 min)
This is four types of breathwork - short set kaphalabhati breath + four stroke breath, ujjayi, surya bhedana and chandra bhedana - enjoy!
Ego Eradicator + Hips (Breathwork 30 min)
This is 4 x sets of "ego eradicator" breath + hip variations