These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
Re-programming Unhappiness - Lung Kriya (30 min)
This is the Kundalini Kriya for lungs and magnetism. But I go a bit into "deprogramming" and remembering true happiness via the breath.
Clarity Kriya (30 min)
The "Crystal Clear" kriya for decluttering your mind and heart + additional breath.
Love Thy Body (30 Breathwork)
Happy Valentine's Day Breathwork Class
From Archives: Disrupting Depressive Energy (Breathwork 30 min)
I speak briefly on depressogenic schemas and how we can use breath to disrupt these cycles.
Diaphragmatic to Awakening Breathwork (30 min)
We begin with deep 8-count diaphragmatic breathing to digital pranayama to "bellows" awakening breath.
When you forget who you really are (Breathwork 30 min)
It is interesting to note that the Arabic word for human being is 'insan' which is derived from the word 'nasiya' which means 'to forget. I speak to this in today's practice.
Move Irritation Breath (30 min)
Today's practice is great if you're annoyed and need to shift it.
Move Depressive Winter Heaviness (Breathwork 30 min)
I mention briefly how important WATER is for our brains - let's move heavy winter rainy, snowy blue energy towards lightness. The biology behind the lack of sunshine vibes :).
Deep Pranayama for Neck Tension (30 min)
If you have a build-up of neck stress or tension, this one is for you! We do deep breathing, kaphalabhati breath and honey-bee breath into the neck, jaw and upper back.
Meditative towards Oxygen Boosting Breath (30 min)
We begin with Brahma Mudra and work towards activation of the respiratory and nervous systems.
Spicy to Calming Breath (30 min)
We begin with a bang - bellows breath, leg flushing - and slowly incrementally to sitali (cooling breath)
Advanced Surya Kriya (30 min)
We do the full 108 bellows breaths today. This is not suitable for beginners. Please take care and enjoy as it's one of my faves!
Awakening + Diaphragmatic breath (Sudarshan Kriya) 30 min
We begin with a zing! Then drop into deep diaphragmatic breathing via the Sudarshan Kriya. 8 count breath + box breath + ending with 3 sets of bellows "zing" breath! This breath type has been in numerous studies for PTSD and anxiety.
Basic Spinal Series (Breath 30 min)
This is a Kundalini pranayama set that moves the spine and arms so that the spine flows with energy.
A Clear Vision for the Day - Breathwork (30 min)
This begins with the "Clarity Kriya" it's weird, uplifting and it works! Expect long sets of repetitive breath, arm movements and bellows/fire breath. Intention and I am____ statements while breathing is a great way to start a day.
Mellow to Intense Breath Types (30 min)
4-7-8 breath followed by breath of fire (with hips) and bellows breath. Enjoy!
Elevation Kriya (30 min)
This is a dynamic Kundalini Kriya involving spinal movement and activating breath.
Breathwork: Moving Anticipation, Headiness + The Insula (30 min)
A brief 5 min description on anticipation and the insula + breath into the neck, jaw and shoulders.
Intense to Mellow Breath Set (30 min)
We begin standing up doing bellows breath, then take it to the ground for breath of fire, ending with cooling/calming.
Monday Wake-Up! Breath Set (30 min)
Today's practice: ego eradicator, bellows breath, some hips, as well as breath in a cobra pose sequence.
Hips, Spine & Breathwork (30 min)
This is a classic breath set with hip work, awakening breath, spinal flexion, extension, rotation and breath holds x 3 at 20 secs.
Breath for Brain Fog & Agitation (30 min)
Today we work breath into the face, neck, jaw and shoulders.
Balance & Detox Breath Set (30 min)
A brief chat on yogic anatomy, chakras, L vs R hemispheres and Surya Kriya.
Morning Sadhana Breath Kriya (30 min)
This breath practice includes some movement as well. Expect spinal movements with deep breaths/ujjayi or bellows breath (awakening).