These practices are mostly intermediate range breath work practices designed from the practice of pranayama (in yoga prana = energy / ayama = to extend or stop the breath. They range from vigorous Kundalini practices to calmer Iyengar breath practices. Breath-work is an effective tool to expediting the end goal of most practices: a change in mood, a lift in spirits and a feeling of expansiveness. Please be mindful so to not push yourself or force anything that doesn't feel good. Beginners, pregnant students, injuries etc. please be cautious and search for the beginners classes and speak with your doctor first.
Sept 13: Advanced Breathwork: Abundance Mindset (30 min)
This is an abundance mindset breath practice - it is advanced in nature and not appropriate for beginners to breath.
Sept 16: Harvest Moon Prep + Mixed Breath Set (33 min)
This is a mixed breath set with the intention of self-reliance + a full breath set with all of your faves, ending with a moon-centric breath.
Sept 12: Honeybee Soothing Breathwork (32 min)
We work into neck, jaw and facial tension as well as the vagus nerve with honey bee sound/breathing and slow deep breathing. This set also includes a two min ego-eradicator set to shake off fatigue/irritation. We end with my favorite deeply relaxing breath types.
Sept 10: Breath Harnessing the Unseen (30 min)
I share a chapter from Rick Rubin's book. The Unseen, is the goal of this practice, using breathwork to plug in the "unseen" to transcend the ego mind - to amplify creativity. This is a more intense breath set.
Sept 9: Rick Rubin: The Vessel & Filter Breathwork (32 min)
A quick reference to Rick Rubin's work - our body is a vessel and breathwork filters that which no longer serves us. This a busy, uplifting kriya.
Sept 5: Beginner/Moderate Breath Practice (30 min)
This practice is filled with prep-practices that are kinda weird if you're new, but feel fantastic. This is suitable for beginners.
Sept 4: Advanced Breath Set (33 min)
This is an advanced breath set - this is not suitable for beginners.
Sept 3: Relax Anxiety & Tension Breathwork (32 min)
This is a gradual breath-set from (4-7-8 breath) slow deep breathing, hip work with breath of fire and ending with some twists into the belly with breath + neck releases and some breath holds.
Aug 29: Hips & Breath (30 min)
This is a moderate breath practice that includes hip work, breath of fire, ocean breath and a toe-foot arch stretch with "bellows."
Aug 28: Bliss Advanced: Wim Hof + Ego Breath (30 min)
This is an advanced bliss-inducing practice not suitable for beginners. We do four cycles of variations of Wim Hof (Tummo breath) long 30-60 second breath holds and ending with ego eradicator breath. This is one of my favorite combos.
Aug 27: All-Levels Mellow Breathwork
This is a cooling, calming and easy going breath set for all levels.
Aug 26: Intermediate Breath for LoveJules & VSOHA students
This is an intermediate breath practice for those of you who have been steered to me by Josh Blodans or VSOHA students. This is moderate version of a breath kriya called "Surya Kriya."
Aug 23: Let Go Advanced Breath Practice: (29 min)
This is an advanced practice not suitable for beginners. The theme is letting go of crap :)
Aug 22: For Low Mood & Energy Breathwork (32 min)
This is the Basic Spinal Series Kundalini Kriya - and is an instant game changer if you're in a bad mood, low energy and need a boost!
Aug 21: Advanced Breath: Endorphins Express
This is NOT suitable for beginners or anyone with a health condition including pregnancy. This is a mixed practice that integrates ego eradicator (long set), pelvic bowl breathing, Wim Hof variations and 30-60 second breath holds.
Aug 19: Breath for the Thyroid, Thymus & Lymph Nodes (30 min)
We work the exocrine glands and the lymphatic ducts and load. This is cleansing, relaxing and activating.
Aug 16: Friday Advanced Breathwork
This is an advanced breath practice that holds the breath longer, more repetitions and works deeply. It is not suitable for beginners.
Aug 15: Chill, Downregulating Breathwork (32 min)
This practice includes some of my fave down-regulating breath practices that are cooling, calming and grounding.
Aug 14: Advanced Breathwork into Infinite Energy (33 min)
This is an advanced practice, not suitable for beginners or the faint of heart - today we use the Sat Kriya, breath of fire and subtle body expression within breath holds to increase Prana (vitality).
Aug 13: Breath of Fire + Hip Work (30 min)
Breath of fire is a practice that disperses or squelches excess fire OR invokes it when you require confidence. We do hip work alongside this breath type as well.
Aug 12: Sudarshan Kriya "Proper vision, purifying action"
Sudarshan Kriya which is a Sanskrit term meaning “proper vision by purifying action” is an intermediate form of rhythmic, cyclical breathing with slow, medium, and fast cycles. It is said also to be helpful for PTSD and anxiety.
Aug 9: Advanced Transformation (Embodiment & Breath)
This is an advanced breath set not suitable for beginners or anyone with any heart conditions, pregnancy etc. We use three cycles of modified Wim Hot Breath and long holds to transform the "weeds" of the mind into an empowering vision for ourselves. Embody nature.
Aug 8: Body-Care Breath Embodiment (30 min)
Today's intentional card is "Body Care." The breathwork practice riffs off this theme including a soothing, cooling breath, breath of fire into the internal organs and agni Sara (pumping into your organs breath).
Aug 1: Brahma Mudra + Breathwork (31 min)
Today we begin breathwork with a long set of "Bhrama Mudra" - long slow methodical breathing as focus + KP breath and bellows. This is a moderate/beginner class.